Cedar Face FoundationServing, Advocating, and Promoting Health, Wellness, and Self-Sufficiency of Native Peoples!
APE' (Lakota word meaning: Hope in Action)
APE’ – Advocacy Program for Education – Special Needs Students

Special Needs Students and Victims of Bullying can find the education system, educators, and fellow students a daunting, frustrating, and even frightening process. Ape` (pronounced ah pay`) is the Lakota verb for Hope in action. Advocating on behalf of students and families to ensure access to education with appropriate services, and working to ensure that students can study and participate in school activities free of bullying.

Through helping families and their children understand that education is a right for all children, and one that was fought for and ultimately guaranteed by the 1851 and 1868 Fort Laramie Treaties, the Cedar Face Foundation – APE’ strives to ensure adequate education resources, and to reduce the drop-out rate of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. APE’ (Lakota word for hope in action) demonstrates leadership in advocating for students with special needs, engendering familial support for each student’s education, and working with educators to overcome barriers of communication vital for each student’s success and advancement.


Advocating on behalf of students and families to ensure access to education with appropriate resources and services. The Cedar Face Foundation expressly believes that it is the right for each child to participate to the fullest extent possible and receive a quality education at their chosen school. We believe that the education process requires the full commitment from the child, their parents / guardians, and their educators. If any of these are less than wholly committed, the quality of the education available is decreased significantly. Therefore, the Cedar Face Foundation Special Needs Services / Advocacy program works to engender an environment that stimulates the success of all.

The Cedar Face Foundation, with strong background in both Treaty rights and the Oglala Lakota Code of Law and Order regulations are strong proponents of individuals’ civil rights as declared by the Fort Laramie Treaties and subsequent congressional orders, and under the Oglala Lakota Code of Law and Order. Education of all Native American children associated with the Fort Laramie Treaties are benefactors of this obligation.